Small Steps.

Just like a tiny smile, even one no one else can see, but you try and feel, can change your entire day for the positive, Small Steps apply to everything in life. Starting an exercise routine? Start with small steps and work your way up day by day. Starting a new hobby? Small steps. Starting a new business, small steps. Etc, Everyday. That’s the important part, Sticking with your small steps. You don’t have to make a huge change over night, That can be far too overwhelming, Small steps, they add up, and they work. Stick with it, You can do it.

Share a smile

Share a smile. It doesn’t have to be a big smile. A big smile could even look and feel fake. Might have to work yourself up in the morning to give a little tiny smile all day long. Pump up your own confidence into a tiny smile, the tiny smile doesn’t even really have to show, just feel it, feel good, feel the day, it’ll be great no matter what and no matter what anyone says. You got this.


I’m going to go start that hobby or project I’ve always wanted to start, I may be lost at first, I may even suck really a lot at first. I know if I keep at it I’ll become good at it. I’ll feel accomplished at having worked towards something instead of idling away in front of a television or wall not having achieved anything. I want something to show for my time besides nothing. I can do this!

Don’t worry about what people say.

Humans love to gossip. Don’t worry about what people say behind your back. They are so worried about trying to find faults in you (or whatever they’re doing) that they are not fixing their own life, or doing their job right, or etc. Focus on yourself, Go for the Gold. Do your best no matter what. I know you can do it.

Featured image not related, other than I think beaches are kind of relaxing.

Here have a Rose, You awesome person you!


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