Decide where you want to be and don’t stop until you get there.
Plan for your goals
Get the results you want
Endeavor to achieve your desired outcome
You can do it.
Dreams and Goals
You won’t get anywhere without working for it.
A little effort is all it takes. A little bit each day.
A little bit more each following day. Little Steps.
You can do it. You can achieve your goals. Strive.
Work for it. Work it. You can do it. Believe.
I’m going to go start that hobby or project I’ve always wanted to start, I may be lost at first, I may even suck really a lot at first. I know if I keep at it I’ll become good at it. I’ll feel accomplished at having worked towards something instead of idling away in front of a television or wall not having achieved anything. I want something to show for my time besides nothing. I can do this!