Awesome Starts Today!
Make it Happen!
I know you can, You know you can.
Never Give Up.
Awesome Starts Today!
Make it Happen!
I know you can, You know you can.
Never Give Up.
The biggest lie that you can tell yourself is that I’ll be happy when I get what I want.
life can be hard. Life can be empty. Life can be lonely. sometimes maybe it’s all the time you feel alone, maybe you feel like nothing matters, maybe you feel like everything matters and no one else cares, maybe it hurts maybe it hurts emotionally maybe it hurts physically. maybe it hurts physically and emotionally. maybe it feels like you can’t go on maybe it feels like you can’t take the pain no more
please don’t give up. if you do need help please contact one of those support centers in your area please tell a friend please tell a parent go to a fire station fireman often have safe spaces at their stations. go to the church, even if you’re​ not religious. please do anything to get help if you need it but don’t do nothing and don’t hurt yourself or others. you are worth it there are billions of people in this world please don’t think that you are alone in your pain someone somewhere feels the same or similar pain that you do and they are dealing with it and I know you can too.
reach out for help, I know you can do it.